The Flemings with Mexico Missions Ministry

Fleming Family Photo - Missionaries to Mexico
Mexico Missions Worship Team

Wayne and Nina Fleming, cousins of Larry Littlejohn and Glenn Barlow, had the original vision to reach out and make a difference for Christ among the underprivileged children and families of Mexico. The Flemings left a growing pastorate in Ocean Springs, MS in 1971 to follow the Lord’s calling to take the Gospel south of the border.

Many years later, this ministry is still alive and well under the leadership of their son Tim and his family. They have founded several churches and opened the Bethany Children’s Home for children of all ages who have been neglected, abused, abandoned, or orphaned. Many that arrived as babies are now in school, some in college, some have graduated and have jobs and are now married with a family of their own. Their goal is to form a multitude of small groups of people throughout Mexico that help each other live out God’s purposes for their lives, growing in intimacy with Him, in fellowship with others and making positive changes in their communities.


Lee Shelnutt with The SEED Ministry


Ana with Frontiers